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May 20, 2022reading time icon8 min

Should you buy a house in the city or in the country?

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Katarina LacosteKatarina Lacoste
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Should you buy a house in the city or in the country?
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For many, the pandemic has been the perfect opportunity to take a look inwards and figure out their desires and needs in terms of housing. With the rise of telecommuting, many have started working from home and some even decided to move out of the city. What about you? 

Do you feel like your house just isn’t fitted to your needs anymore? Whether you want to purchase your first house, or your third, buying a house is a major investment that need to be thought carefully. To be able to find that perfect house you should take the time to evaluate what you truly need. 

In doing so, the first question you need to ask yourself is: do you want to live in the city or in the country? If you are unable to answer this question, this article could help you nudge in the right direction. Let us consider both the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city and in the country. 

Buying a house in the city

Buying a house in the city 

Living in the city is, without a doubt, a great option. Families, students, retirees, professionals… Many are looking to put down their suitcases and build a life in the city. Obviously, there are several reasons why the city life is appealing…  

Living in the city: the advantages 

Buying a house, a condominium or an apartment in the city means that you will be close to everything. Whether you are looking for a grocery store, a pharmacy, a theatre, or a restaurant, you will, most likely, find it right around the corner. 

The city is a place full of life that offers you an endless variety of activities. Whether you are young, older, or in between, there is always something to do or discover. Libraries, museums, parks, swimming pools and gyms are just a small fraction of the activities the city offers to its residents.  

If you choose to live in the city, it also means that you will have easy access to the public transit system. Taking the bus or the subway is, for most, an even better alternative to using their car. In addition, with everything in proximity, the city is a great place to walk or ride a bicycle. 

In the same way, living in the city will reduce your commute to work. Not only are there more work opportunities available to you, but you will also save time going to and coming from your place of employment. 

Advantages of living in the city

Living in the city: the disadvantages 

Although there are many advantages of urban living, there are also some inconveniences. Living in the city often means living in close quarters. Usually, the houses are smaller and closer together and their outdoor spaces are little (if they even have one). 

In addition to this, the cost of living is higher. You will often pay more for a smaller place in the city that you would for a bigger place in the country. In fact, it is no secret that the prices are even higher now that the housing market is a seller’s market. With plenty of buyers and fewer houses for sale, people are entering bidding wars in order to have a chance to buy. 

In this kind of market, it is more affordable to buy a condominium than to purchase a house. But as with everything else, this type of property also comes with its own set of challenges. 

Buying a house in the country 

As urban life became more and more sought after in the last decade, the country, on the other hand, had become less appealing. However, the pandemic and the lockdown of March 2020 had a big impact on the housing market. Many realized their need for bigger and vaster spaces. In result, the second half of 2020 was marked by an increasing number of people moving away from city centres. 

With the work from home formula that became standard in many companies in the last couple of years, people can now choose to work from anywhere. Moving outside the city and far from their place of work is now a possibility. Consequently, the country has seen its population grow more so during the pandemic than in the last few years.  

Buying a house in the country

Living in the country: the advantages 

As stated before, the prices in the city are at an all-time high. Although they are also increasing rapidly in the country, it is still considered a more affordable option. 

In addition to being more cost-effective, country living is also spacious. You can purchase a bigger house with a bigger backyard with neighbours that live further. Living in the country also means that without going far, possibly even from your backyard, you will be able to enjoy nature and a beautiful landscape. 

You dislike driving in traffic? If you move outside the city, you will not have to deal with the usual traffic. The country is less populated so there are fewer people on the road creating less road congestion. 

Living in the country also means living in a calmer environment. The incessant noises of the city caused by sirens, honks and construction won’t follow you in the country. In fact, you will benefit from this calmer environment because it is proven that these noises can have a negative impact on your nervous system. 

Advantages and disadvantages of living in the country

Living in the country: the disadvantages 

On the other hand, living in the country means that you will find yourself at a greater distance of all services. You will obviously not have the same access that you would if you lived in the city. You might need to travel a long distance to go to the grocery store, at the gym or even at school. You need to take this into consideration while weighing the pros and cons of country living. Will being far from some of those services be a problem for you? 

While the distance between your house and the services grow, your options regarding public transportation will decrease. In the country, owning a car might be the best option. However, it needs to fit into your budget. 

Seeking the best of both worlds 

Obviously, you do not have to decide solely between those two options. You can choose to move to a location that offers you the best of both worlds. In fact, the suburbs can be a great compromise between city and country living. In the suburbs, you can be close to all the services while also being able to benefit from some of the charm of the country. 

You are looking for a new house? Do not hesitate to call upon a real estate broker. He will be able to help you find the perfect house according to your needs and desires. 

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