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How to choose your notary?

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How to choose your notary?
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Visiting a notary is an essential step in any real estate transaction. Between the initial property viewing and the final signature, it's a moment not to be overlooked. For its success, it's important to choose the right professional from the start.

So, how do you engage a notary? What criteria should you prioritize? Where can you find the ideal person to handle your case? We explain everything.

What is the role of a notary? 

First, let's clarify the role of a notary in a real estate investment process.

Endowed with a perfect understanding of Quebec jurisdiction, they provide expertise in guiding your operation.

This involves overseeing the preparation of legal documents, such as the purchase promise, the condominium declaration, or the final sales contract signing. They can also assist in preparing joint purchases and guide you through obtaining a mortgage.

They ensure the confidentiality of your exchanges through professional secrecy and represent you in your case. Their advice helps to secure the legal aspect of an operation, providing reassurance regarding all formalities.

Commercial sign of a notary

Can I choose my notary?

Depending on your investment, it's useful to know who is responsible for integrating the professional into the transaction.

Simply put, both the seller and the buyer can freely choose their notary. Generally, the buyer selects the notary, and the seller adapts to the decision made. Additionally, note that notary fees are payable by the buyer.

Why not choose the seller's notary? 

While customarily the buyer selects the notary (since they cover the majority of associated fees), there could be exceptions.

The choice depends on the situation. Thus, if the seller prefers their notary to handle the transaction, they can specify the professional's name in the offer to purchase. If the buyer signs the contract, they are presumed to have accepted the seller's choice.

However, there's no need to worry: regardless of who chooses the notary, this expert is a public officer who works with all involved parties. They are legally bound to be impartial, objective, and honest toward everyone involved.

How do you know if a notary is good?

Next, you need to know which criteria to consider before making a decision, as choosing a notary shouldn't be taken lightly.


Theoretically, a notary's role involves meeting clients for document signings. If they are too far from the residence of other parties, they are authorized to travel anywhere for a transaction they have committed to. They can also work and communicate with you remotely if they are far from your location.

Opt for someone located near you and the location of your caseThere are plenty of experts available, so you shouldn't have to choose someone too far away who isn't familiar with the urban planning related to your operation.

Notary stamping an official document

Expertise level 

Know that a professional may have one or several areas of expertise, which can influence their legal advice. For this reason, they may be more or less suitable depending on your project.

For example, are they specialized in real estate transactions, estate cases, or tax law? Don't hesitate to inquire about their specificities to ensure you have someone accustomed to handling your issues.

Interpersonal skills 

We recommend having an initial face-to-face meeting with the notary before deciding whether to proceed with them or not.

Beyond their skills, how do they approach your relationship? Do they listen attentively when you discuss your project? Do they provide clear and understandable information, even on complex subjects?


One aspect of a notary's role is being available. Is the person you've engaged responsive to your emails? If they don't answer your phone calls, do they at least call you back within a reasonable timeframe?

Keep in mind that you need to trust them. This trust comes from constant availability and responsiveness. You shouldn't have to stress about your investment due to a delayed response to any queries or questions.

How to find a notary?

Know that there are several methods to find the right notary for you, regardless of the reason for seeking their services.

Firstly, you can use word of mouth. Indeed, some of your acquaintances may have invested and are satisfied with their notary. They may have also experienced negative encounters with professionals they wouldn't recommend. Discussing this with your network can give you initial leads.

Online search 

Local searches on Google can help you find an expert near you. For example, you can search for "Notary Montreal" or "Notary Westmount" according to your chosen city, so the search engine provides you with more targeted results.

Specialized platforms 

Certain specialized websites, like XpertSource.com, can also assist you in finding the ideal notary by connecting you with experts in your area. Additionally, it's a simple, fast, and free service!

Search with the Chambre des notaires du Québec

On another note, the Chambre des notaires du Québec also provides a tool to find a professional. To get results tailored to your needs, you'll need to provide:

  • Your first and last name;
  • Your city of residence;
  • The postal code;
  • The nature of the case concerning you.

Once you've identified a person, it may be relevant to check their online reputation. In case of positive reviews, you can then easily consider an initial meeting.

You now know how to effectively engage the notary that suits you!

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