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Client search

Number of Clients returned(0)

At the minimum, the project description is needed to save the project
Are you sure you want to create an empty project?
Are you sure you want to create a copy of this project?
client update completed!
Incorrect number!
The client already exists!
The client has been successfully added
Fields: Gender, Name, First Name, Email and Phone are required
project update completed!
message: No client is currently selected!
This client is already locked by 
Client num. is required
message: The client must be locked before modification!

Is the client impossible to reach at the moment?

You are about to cancel this project. Do you want to keep going?

Are you sure you want to activate this request?

Do you want to call the customer?

Do you want to send the plan request by email to the customer?

Attached files

Until when is the next call?